Interactive Student Centered Learning: A Cooperative Approach to Learning by Edward Spooner
Interactive Student Centered Learning: A Cooperative Approach to Learning by Edward Spooner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Interactive Student Centered Learning: A Cooperative Approach to Learning concentrates on Student Centered Learning (SCL) which encompasses Active Learning (AL), Cooperative Learning (COL), Collaborative Learning (COLL), and occasionally Constructivism Learning (CONS) teaching methodologies. This book delves into a review of the theories of learning, providing insight into current research regarding how students learn as well as a review of traditional, teacher-centered learning and teaching theories. This book also includes three interactive student centered learning segments; a review of the process, an instructional development process, and an organizational curriculum for educators to utilize an (I/SCL) program. The handbook in the appendices provides teachers with knowledge and information on how to develop an (ISCL) curriculum for teaching students effectively in almost all subjects at the secondary and college level.From reader reviews:
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