Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Goodbye, Flicker: Poems (Juniper Prize for Poetry) by Carmen Gimenez Smith

Goodbye, Flicker: Poems (Juniper Prize for Poetry) by Carmen Gimenez Smith

Goodbye, Flicker: Poems (Juniper Prize for Poetry)

Goodbye, Flicker: Poems (Juniper Prize for Poetry) by Carmen Gimenez Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This distinctive collection introduces a new type of mythmaking, daring in its marriage of fairy tale tropes with American mundanities. Conspiratorial, Goodbye, Flicker describes the interior life of a girl whose prince is a deadbeat dad and whose escape into a fantasy world is also an escape into language, beauty, and the surreal.

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Goodbye, Flicker: Poems (Juniper Prize for Poetry) by Carmen Gimenez Smith EPub

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