Minggu, 19 April 2015

PDF⋙ Night is Darkest by Jayne Rylon

Night is Darkest by Jayne Rylon

Night is Darkest

Night is Darkest by Jayne Rylon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Some secrets refuse to stay hidden.
Lacey Daughtry's perfect weekend is interrupted by tragic news of her brother's murder in the line of duty. Plagued by a rash of mysterious phone calls, she turns to her brother's best friends and fellow officers for protection...and comfort.
Spending time in close contact with Mason and Tyler, the two men she's dreamed of since her first girlhood crush, seems like the answer to a prayer. Especially when they begin to explore the desire she's harbored for so long.
But the partners are holding out on Lacey. Determined to suppress the most extreme facets of their lust, they agree to settle for sharing the woman they crave while concealing their desire for each other. Until Lacey cracks their resolve, unleashing a torrent of emotions that threatens to distract them when they can least afford it.
Their blossoming relationship is complicated by secrets. And the only way to evade the killer threatening their lives is to bare their souls in the darkest hours of the night. Or everything will come crashing down, just before the dawn.
Warning: After reading this book you'll never look at a pair of hot cops, a cemetery or a can of Spaghetti-O's the same way again.
Men in Blue Series Reading Order
1. Night is Darkest 
2. Razor's Edge 
3. Mistress's Master 
4. Spread Your Wings 
5. Wounded Hearts 
6. Bound For You

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