Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Screenwriting They Can't Resist by Pauline F Kiernan

Screenwriting They Can't Resist by Pauline F Kiernan

Screenwriting They Can't Resist

Screenwriting They Can't Resist by Pauline F Kiernan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

At a time when mainstream and independent film producers are despairing at their slush piles of tent-pole scripts that are derivative, formulaic and forgettable, desperately searching for bold and original work, screenwriter and Shakespeare scholar Pauline Kiernan offers a radically new and provocative approach to screenwriting for writers who want to discover how to create screenplays that are daring, inventive and wholly original- and have a real chance of getting developed.

Out go the '3-Act Structure' and other structural constraints prescribed by the screenwriting 'gurus' that lead only to existential despair. Instead, the focus is on orchestrating all the elements of the script around the central imperative of all storytelling which Kiernan calls Emotional Pull. Intensive practical workouts and unorthodox ideas and inspirations as well as weblinks for scripts and video clips show how the screenwriter can develop for themselves their unique, creative vision to create screenplays of originality and solid market potential.

Screenwriting They Can't Resist is for writers passionate about the wondrous potential of cinematic storytelling, who want their screenplays to challenge and disturb, excite and exhilarate an audience, and leave them emotionally and mentally stretched.

Pauline Kiernan is a commissioned screenwriter, award-winning playwright and distinguished Shakespeare scholar. She is a visiting screenwriting tutor at the University of Oxford and creator of the website Unique Screenwriting.

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