Fresh Herb Cooking by Linda Dennenberg
Fresh Herb Cooking by Linda Dennenberg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Fresh herbs evoke images of the countryside and inspire perceptions of freshness, healthfulness, and food rustic and elegantly earthy. People love cooking with herbs, but most don't know how to use even the most common herbs to their fullest flavor. With award-winning author Linda Dannenberg's new cookbook, the home cook can fill this gap. The 85 easy-to-prepare recipes (from the south of France, the U.S., the Caribbean, Greece, Italy, and other countries) showcase myriad uses for a variety of herbs - from Provencal Tomato Tartelettes to Grilled Striped Bass with Basil Oil and Ginger Salsa to Creme Brulee with Lavender. Some are the creations of top chefs, including celebrated chef Philippe Legendre of the Hotel George V, three-star chef Pierre Gagnaire, and Rocco DiSpirito of New York City's Union Pacific, but many also come from the author's own repertoire. In addition to the recipes, there are tips on less common uses for herbs - using herb flowers as edible garnishes or as part of a tossed salad; and putting the dried, twiggy stems of rosemary or thyme on the barbecue coals as you would mesquite chips, for delicious added flavor to grilled meat or fish. A glossary, describing the herbs and providing information on what foods they are most compatible with, how to prepare them, and how to store them, completes the book.From reader reviews:
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